Magnesium Solution (100ml)

Magnesium Solution (100ml)

Amorganic's Magnesium Fulvate is an organic, trans-dermal spray in a 100ml spray bottle. It is sprayed onto the skin and is easily and quickly absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system and therefore avoiding unpleasant effects from taking large doses of magnesium orally.

Causes of magnesium deficiency
Calcium is easily stored in the body, but magnesium is not, so it needs to be taken daily. We tend to take too much calcium in dairy products and supplements, thereby depleting our magnesium levels. This leads to calcium not being absorbed into the bones and teeth as intended, but being deposited in soft tissue around the body, leading to calcification of arteries, joints, skin and the formation of abnormal bone like growths such as spurs and kidney stones.

Also, certain medications, sugar and alcohol tend to lower magnesium levels. Magnesium is not well absorbed if combined with calcium. Getting the right balance of calcium and magnesium is not a simple matter of 2:1 calcium/magnesium ratio.

Any dairy consumption will deplete magnesium in the body, so when you take that 2:1 CalMag supplement, all the magnesium will likely go to where it is most needed and not be used for assimilating the calcium. As a rough guide, we should be taking twice the amount of magnesium as calcium.

Transdermal application has an added advantage in that any possible overdose is avoided because the body will automatically reject any excess from being absorbed through the skin. This makes magnesium dosing easy and accurate, regulated by the body’s own needs.

Quantity: 100ml 

Disclaimer: Content and price subject to change without notice. The information is intended to inform and educate; it does not replace the medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. © 2017 Dr Grant Fourie. All rights reserved.

R 60.00

Members price: R 54.00

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