The membership runs over a minimum of 12 months and is paid monthly by debit order. This gives you access to an affordable health plan with more than enough consultations with Dr Grant and his health team. At the end of the 12 months, the membership will roll over to the next year automatically, unless cancelled.

We want to be part of your return to a life of meaning, purpose and vitality!


All membership options include:

  • A functional medicine assessment OR an annual health appraisal with Dr Grant
  • Access to the BetYaLife Lifestyle and Weight Loss Online Programme
  • Access to our nursing sister
Please note:
  • Membership excludes the cost of blood tests, materials used, procedures, supplements and/or medicines. 
  • Discounts on supplements are exclusive to ONLINE purchases only.

Dr Grant’s initial 2 consultations are each 60 minutes long

  • First functional medicine assessment = 60 minutes
  • Follow-up functional consultation 1 week later = up to 60 minutes
  • All other follow-up consultations = up to 30 minutes

Take a look at our membership options below - we offer different pricing structures to accommodate as many of our clients as possible.

Membership programme options & benefits VS Non-membership

Premium membership

Debit order of R750pm
No co-payment
Once-off joining fee of R200
Up to 12 consultations**
New and existing clients
Email enquiries to Dr Grant at no extra cost

Classic membership

Debit order of R495pm
Plus R250 co-payment per visit*
Once-off joining fee of R500
Up to 10 consultations**
New and existing clients
Email enquiries, not related to recent consultations, billed at an admin fee of R250 per email response

Basic membership

Debit order of R250pm
Plus R350 co-payment per visit*
Once-off joining fee of R750
Up to 8 consultations**
Existing clients only
New clients after initial 1st & 2nd consultations only

Email enquiries, not related to recent consultations, billed at an admin fee of R250 per email response


No debit order required
No joining fee required
 Two initial 1-hour consultations, a week apart @R6640 for both.
Option to join Basic membership after initial two consultations 
Follow-up 30 min consultations  @R1660
New and existing clients
All email enquiries are billed at an admin fee of R250 per email response

*Co-payments are subject to an annual increase. **Consultations are for members only. They may not be transferred to your spouse, partner or other dependants.
Membership options for new members may be subject to change without notice.

How it works

  • Join - you can apply at Reception after your initial consultation.
  • Payment - once your debit order application is processed, your payment will start on the 1st day of the following month.
  • Benefits - you no longer pay per consultation, you have an annual health appraisal with Dr Grant, access to our nursing sister for general diagnostics, as listed above.

Walking the path to better health can be exciting - we hope to welcome you soon as a member!

If you’d like to ask us any questions, please click here to send us an email