Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this summit do not necessarily reflect those of Dr Grant Fourie.

The Mental Wellness Summit is an educational and empowering experience that explores better ways to approach and treat mental health from a root cause perspective - it’s designed with everyone in mind.


Why attend?

Today’s powerful treatment options, including specialised diet and improved nutrition, integrative medicine, naturopathy and functional medicine, somatic therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, yoga and meditation, to name a few, are available but rarely considered for treating mental health every day. Let’s go beyond just psychiatry and pills, and explore the best options for wellness in this evolving field.

The Mental Wellness Summit will benefit:
Health care practitioners and providers across the wellness spectrum
Anyone curious about or seeking solutions to mental health challenges
Family, friends, loved ones and co-workers who are supporting one another

Here are a few of the incredible experts who will speak at The Mental Wellness Summit:
Kelly Brogan, MD: Holistic medicine and root-cause resolution
Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo.com: Deeper intro mental wellness research
Peter Osborne, DC: Grainflammation, food toxicity and microbes
Robert Whitaker, PhD: The perils of big pharma
James Maskell: Revive primary care, mental health from scratch

With 25 additional presenters sharing their expertise about mental wellness, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for men and women everywhere!

The Mental Wellness Summit is available here.