The relationship between you and Dr Grant is a therapeutic partnership and your insights into the workings of your body will go a long way towards helping discover the root cause of your condition.
The immune systems we rely on to protect our bodies from infection are reportedly going rogue and turning on our healthy cells at an unprecedented rate. Why? And what can we do about it?...
A question we get on a regular basis is, “What would my functional medicine programme look like?” It’s a great question. To answer it, we need to first understand the bigger picture of functional medicine...
Recently, I spoke with a new patient of mine who was struggling with debilitating anxiety, depression, brain fog and fatigue. She’s in her mid-30's and can’t even get out of bed some days, because her life is so wrecked by health problems...
"Siekte" van die 21ste eeu? Moeg, gedaan, klaar op? Wie vandag is nié? Bynier-uitputting versamel ’n klomp uiteenlopende simptome onder een sambreel. Dalk herken jy jouself...