The relationship between you and Dr Grant is a therapeutic partnership and your insights into the workings of your body will go a long way towards helping discover the root cause of your condition.
By some estimates, 80% of people who successfully lose at least 10% of their body weight, will gradually regain it, to end up as large or even larger than they were before they went on a diet...
A poem by Dr Grant Fourie... My patients are depressed and fat! Today, the whole day, most of them just sat! Their pressures are high and their tolerance low, their energy is lacking and they only sleep so-so...
The beauty of following a nutrition plan devised for you, is that it helps treat and prevent all chronic degenerative diseases, from the common ones like heart disease, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s, to the ones you have never heard of...
More than 70 percent of survey respondents from a National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP) survey, revealed that the loss of their eyesight would have the greatest impact on their day-to-day activities...
The male menopause is called the andropause and androgen deficiency in the aging male is a very real phenomenon. It may be less sudden than the female menopause, but it is severe...
"Siekte" van die 21ste eeu? Moeg, gedaan, klaar op? Wie vandag is nié? Bynier-uitputting versamel ’n klomp uiteenlopende simptome onder een sambreel. Dalk herken jy jouself...