Ode to the Ubiquitous majority

Ode to the Ubiquitous majority

A poem by Dr Grant Fourie... My patients are depressed and fat! Today, the whole day, most of them just sat! Their pressures are high and their tolerance low, their energy is lacking and they only sleep so-so...
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Prevent memory loss

Prevent memory loss

The beauty of following a nutrition plan devised for you, is that it helps treat and prevent all chronic degenerative diseases, from the common ones like heart disease, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s, to the ones you have never heard of...
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Mental wellness summit

Mental wellness summit

The Mental Wellness Summit is an educational and empowering experience that explores better ways to approach and treat mental health from a root cause perspective - it’s designed with everyone in mind...
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Healthy heart summit

Healthy heart summit

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death for men and women. Yet, it is often addressed with stents and bypass surgeries that only treat the symptoms, not the causes. It’s time to dispel the myths and misinformation about the causes of heart disease...
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Calm and mindfulness

Calm and mindfulness

Seriously stressed out at work right now? You’re not alone. In fact, one survey found that as many as 80 percent of Americans are too!...
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Abundant energy summit

Abundant energy summit

The 30 sessions at The Abundant Energy Summit will benefit anyone with chronic fatigue syndrome or ME and related illnesses, including fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivity, as well as those with burnout...
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Anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression

Recently, I spoke with a new patient of mine who was struggling with debilitating anxiety, depression, brain fog and fatigue. She’s in her mid-30's and can’t even get out of bed some days, because her life is so wrecked by health problems...
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Energising pregnenolone

Energising pregnenolone

Some of the earliest investigations of pregnenolone’s many benefits showed it to be an energising, anti-stress biochemical...
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"Siekte" van die 21ste eeu? Moeg, gedaan, klaar op? Wie vandag is nié? Bynier-uitputting versamel ’n klomp uiteenlopende simptome onder een sambreel. Dalk herken jy jouself...
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